Server move…

This is just a quick note to say that if anyone experienced any site downtime over the last day or so this is due to the site being moved to my brand-spanking new Linode VPS. The site move is complete, but I’ll still be working on it over the next few days so there may be further disruption. Also, as I write this the DNS changes may still be propagating so you may not even be able to read this! As a result of the move there may be a few glitches caused by differences in configuration between the two hosts, please contact me via the comments below if you run into any problems.

One response to “Server move…”

  1. My Self-Hosted Life | Blogging to Nowhere

    […] idea of moving to a static site over the years, I’ve just never quite managed it. In 2011 I moved the site to a shiny new VPS provided by Linode, where it has lived ever since. There is also a Piwik install […]

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