So I said I’d try to blog about Kiwi PyCon over the weekend, so here goes! This is just going to be a quick post going through a few highlights, I’ll save my detailed discussion for my full round up when I get back home.
So here’s the talks I attended:
- Keynote (obviously) – “How I learned to stop worrying and love deployment” by Jacob Kaplan-Moss (a core Django developer). This turned me onto a few modules, which I need to take a look at some point.
- “Freeing the Cloud one (small) service at a time” by Francois Marier – about free web services and his service, Libravatar, in particular (Francois was also kind enough to help me out with a problem I was having with it right there and then, thanks Francois).
- “Building a distributed Key-Value store with Cassandra” by Aaron Morton from Weta Digital. This was interesting, though I think a lot of it went over my head!
- “Packaging and Virtual Environments” by Brett Wilkins (and another presenter, who’s name I can’t remember – so sorry to him!). This was really good and turned me onto distribute, which is a setuptools replacement. I love the image on their website:
Lightning talks – Of which the one on Bottle was particularly interesting – I’ve been looking for a lightweight web framework to play around with, so I’ll give it a try.
- “5 Good Reasons for Automated Testing” by Roman Joost. Yeah, I really should be using automated testing!
- “An Opinionated Guide to what makes a Good Unit Test” by Michael Hudson Doyle. Reinforced the opinion expressed above!
- “Amazon Web Service: An Introduction” by Simone Brunozzi. This was quite businessy, but this stuff is definitely on my “must check out” list.
- “Python In Astronomy” by Ian Bond. I missed the beginning of this but it’s awesome to see Python being used to do some hardcore science – finding planets no less!
Well that’s my quick summary of day one, hopefully there’ll be more good stuff tomorrow, so I’ll ‘see’ you then.
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