Kiwi PyCon Day Two

Ahoy’hoy, again. Here’s my quick round up of day two of Kiwi PyCon. Here are the talks I attended:

  • Keynote: “Creating Pythonic APIs” by Anthony Baxter, from Google. This was really well put together, informative and above all hilarious.
  • “How Python is influencing Neuroscience Research” by Daniel Myall. Again good to see python being used for hardcore sciencey stuff!
  • “Don’t Block the GUI” by Glenn Ramsey. An introduction to basic threading and futures, I knew most of this stuff, but it was still interesting.
  • “Python in the Datacentre” by Matt Provost, from Weta Digital. Interesting to see the internals of how Python loads, it probably explains why Python is slow on embedded systems too.
  • “Wikkid Design” by Tim Penhey. About the design of a distributed Wiki system for Launchpad. Some good take home messages around choosing modules (personal recommendation and good documentation rule!).
  • Open Spaces (Track 1): “Why aren’t we using Python 3”, “NoSQL Databases” and “Robotics and UAVs”.
  • “Demystifying Unicode” by Leon Matthews. I knew nothing about unicode before this, now I know how to use it and that I should be using it!
  • “Teaching Computer Science with Python” by Carl Cerecke. An interesting look into the Canterbury CS Department’s moves towards Python for teaching.

That’s it for now, there will be more in my full round up, which I’ll write when I have time (sometime this week). Bye for now!

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