Mu-Feeder 0.1 Released

Hello Everyone, welcome to Twenty-Ten (yes we finally get to sound like we live in the future!).

I’m very pleased to announce the release of my pet project Mu-Feeder, or at least a very early version of it. I actually released version 0.1.0 unofficially yesterday, but then found a bug which was tickled by Python 2.4, so fixed that and re-released as version 0.1.1.

If you want to try it out you can get it here, or you can download the code with:

$ bzr branch lp:mu-feeder/0.1

If you have a bug report, please post it on the Launchpad bug tracker, I’m also seeking feedback which you can send to me in a variety of ways (comment here, or Launchpad answers page).

I hope someone finds this useful! Enjoy!

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