Reviving this Blog

Its been almost four years since I updated this blog and in that time I’ve been busy with life and family. I’ve still been working on blog worthy stuff, but all my spare time has been taken up with actual projects, rather than writing about them. Most likely this has just been a matter of priorities. I could have made time to blog, but wasn’t interested enough to do so. I’ve always kept the site running and software updated and I’ve watched the daily hits go down from several hundred to single digits.

Recently I’ve been thinking that I would like to get back into it. Its taken me a little while to set aside the time, but this post is the start of a new and (hopefully) sustained run of writing. How long this continues will really depend on the response I get, if I see people reading and responding to what I’m producing then I will feel justified in setting aside time for it.

I’m making this a little bit of a fresh start and with that in mind I’ve done some work on the site. All the old content will remain in place, since it still gets a few hits. However, I’ve updated the theme and added the option for readers to subscribe by email, since this seems pretty popular nowadays (you can still subscribe by RSS and that’s never going away). Also, the site is now only accessible by HTTPS thanks to Let’s Encrypt.

Content-wise I’ve tried to get a head start and currently have two further posts written and ready for publishing. These will be posted later this week and I’ll try to keep up the momentum. In terms of topics I’ll be covering there will be lots of stuff about self-hosting your own cloud services, some embedded stuff and general software and Linux stuff. I have a list of posts I want to write and I’m open to suggestions in the comments.

Let’s see how this goes…

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