Site News…

Well, this is my second post in as many days. Truth be told I’ve actually  been giving the site a bita lovin’. I’ve had a general tidy up, added ‘more tags’ to some of the longer posts so that they don’t take up as much of the main listing page and I’ve added a new Copyright (CC) notice as well as sorted out some Google adds to try and pay for the hosting of the site (not sure how successful they’ll be though).

I’ve also been working generally on my ‘personal cloud’. I’ve put up a gallery where I can put my photos which is something I’ve wanted to do for a while. I’m using Gallery 3 (Beta 3) which is nice. I tried this a while ago with Gallery 2 and it was horibly complicated and overengineered so I gave up in the end.

The new interface is really nice, there’s come nice AJAXy stuff in there which makes it feel nice and polished – kind of like using Flickr or Facebook only with Freedom. As you may have gathered I’m not a huge Facebook fan, although I do have an account, this is mainly because of concerns over privacy and what control they have over your data (including any photos you upload). I’d rather just retain control and ownership of my data.

Anyway if you want to have a look at the gallery, click the gallery link at the top of the page (it currently uses javascript to redirect you – something which I will fix in future). I think that’s about all for now. I’m hopefully going to get back to posting some techy stuff soon, I still have a couple of things lined up I just haven’t had time to write them up yet.

Bye for now!

2 responses to “Site News…”

  1. billy Avatar

    love the enhancements. am rocking crunchbang.

  2. Rob Connolly Avatar
    Rob Connolly

    Thanks billy, glad you like the site. I’m still loving Crunchbang, works brilliantly on my eeepc!

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