SwallowCatcher 0.1.0 Released

Download SwallowCatcher 0.0.1
Download SwallowCatcher 0.0.1

I’m very proud to announce the first release of my project SwallowCatcher. This is a project I’ve been working on for some time, but I haven’t blogged about it because I wanted to have something to show for it before I did. To quote the project page, SwallowCatcher is…

A FOSS Podcatcher for Android. SwallowCatcher wishes it was written in Python, but it isn’t. No coconuts were harmed in the making of this Podcatcher.

The naming and general theme is inspired by Monty Python and the Holy Grail, with the release codename for the 0.1.x series being “Bravely Bold Sir Robin”. Subsequent releases will follow with names of other characters from the film.

Right now it’s very rough, as the obligatory release notes state:


* Import Podcasts from OPML;
* Download Podcast feeds;
* List newly found Episodes;
* List Subscriptions and Episodes;
* Download Podcasts;
* Share via intent (and thence via email, mustard, etc.).

Known Issues:

* The new episodes screen has issues marking multiple episodes as old;
* Can’t add a podcast directly by feed URL yet;
* Can’t play from inside app (need to use external media player app);
* Downloads list is ugly and can’t be cleared;
* Podcasts list doesn’t remember scroll position;
* Downloads aren’t pausable/resumable;
* The text on the first run dialogues is too big;
* The GUI sucks and there really aren’t any options for anything;
* I need some icons!

Future Plans:

The 0.1.x series will focus on addressing the known issues above. The next main
release will start adding new features such as cover art and show notes support.

Anyway, if you have an Android phone then please give it a try. Right now it’s built for Android 2.2 and above, because that’s what I’ve tested it on. Currently its not on the Marketplace due to lack of icons. Also, check out the project page and the gitorious page where you can download the source code. Feedback and bug reports can be submitted via identi.ca, email or via the comments on this post. Enjoy!

3 responses to “SwallowCatcher 0.1.0 Released”

  1. Tweets that mention SwallowCatcher 0.1.0 Released — Topsy.com

    […] This post was mentioned on Twitter by redneck penguin, Rob Connolly. Rob Connolly said: New blog post: SwallowCatcher 0.1.0 Released http://blog.webworxshop.com/2011/02/01/swallowcatcher-0-1-0-released […]

  2. Janux Avatar

    Great app, please consider to add it to the free droid repository: http://f-droid.org/ it has a market like app but of free software.

  3. Rob Connolly Avatar
    Rob Connolly

    Thanks for the feedback, I’m glad you like it. I have already been in contact with @fdroid on identi.ca (see http://identi.ca/conversation/62695234) regarding this. He is awaiting another release as several improvements/fixes have already been made since this release.

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