SwallowCatcher 0.1.1 Released

Download SwallowCatcher 0.1.1
Download SwallowCatcher 0.1.1

Today sees the release of the second version of SwallowCatcher, version 0.1.1. This version contains many enhancements and bugfixes over the previous version and should so be considered as the main stable release for the 0.1.x series. Further releases in this series will contain bugfixes, with new features being added to 0.2.x.

Obligatory release notes:


* Import Podcasts from OPML;
* Add Podcasts Via Barcode or URL;
* Open podcast:// and feed:// URLs directly in SwallowCatcher;
* Download Podcast feeds;
* List newly found Episodes;
* List Subscriptions and Episodes;
* Download Podcasts;
* Share via intent (and thence via email, mustard, etc.).
* Basic playback support.

Fixed Issues from Previous Version:

* New episodes screen issue;
* Can now add podcasts directly by feed URL;
* Added basic playback support;
* Prettier downloads list;
* Podcasts list remembers scroll position;
* Fixed text on the first run dialogues;
* Fixed OPML import from Google Reader;
* More robust feed/date parsing;
* Lots of general stability fixes;
* Much improved UI with more options, etc.

Known Issues:

* Downloads still aren’t pausable/resumable;
* I need some icons!

Future Plans:

The 0.1.x series will continue to address the remaining issues above and fix bugs.
The next main release (0.2.0) will include cover art and show notes support.

SwallowCatcher is still not in the Android Market so either download above or check out the project page and the gitorious page where you can download the source code. Feedback and bug reports can again be submitted via identi.ca, email or via the comments on this post. No Spam please (only ham and eggs).

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