SwallowCatcher 0.1.2 Released

Download SwallowCatcher 0.1.2
Download SwallowCatcher 0.1.2

I’m proud to announce the release of a new version of SwallowCatcher. This version follows hot on the heals of the 0.1.1 release and fixes several bugs reported to me over the last few days. Specific fixes include:

* Fixed empty description tag problem (scratched by Linux Outlaws feed) as reported by @andyc in identi.ca.
* Fixed feed missing scheme validation problem as reported by @andyc in identi.ca.
* Fixed download permissions problem as reported by @andyc in identi.ca.
* Fixed individual feed refresh problem.

Thankfully, I have managed to hold onto my encryption key this time, so upgrading from version 0.1.1 should be smooth. Remember to check out the project page and the gitorious page where you can download the source code. Feedback and bug reports can again be submitted via identi.ca, email or via the comments on this post.

4 responses to “SwallowCatcher 0.1.2 Released”

  1. coxy Avatar

    I haven’t been able to install either 0.1.2 or 0.1.1. Android just tells me “There is a problem parsing the package”.

    1st build you ever released installed fine though, running Android 2.1-update1 on a HTC Hero.

  2. Rob Connolly Avatar
    Rob Connolly

    Hi Coxy,

    I’ve got someone with the same problem on identi.ca: http://identi.ca/conversation/65778526, we are tying to work through the problem. I’ll get back to you if we make any progress.



  3. Andy C Avatar
    Andy C

    Nice work. Both my bug-ettes are fixed now.

    I could use a Menu-About option to tell me what version of SwallowCatcher I currently have installed though.

  4. Rob Connolly Avatar
    Rob Connolly

    Excellent, glad to hear that. Feature request duly noted!

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