SwallowCatcher 0.1.3 Released

Download SwallowCatcher 0.1.3
Download SwallowCatcher 0.1.3

I’m again proud to announce a new release of SwallowCatcher. This is a small maintenance update which fixes some of the backwards compatibility issues which people have been experiencing with pre-Froyo versions of Android. Thanks to @diabalomarcus, @fdroid and Henrik Tunedal for their help with this issue.

As always, please check out the project page and the gitorious page where you can download the source code. Feedback and bug reports can again be submitted via identi.ca, email or via the comments on this post.

3 responses to “SwallowCatcher 0.1.3 Released”

  1. omns Avatar

    Nice one, I’m looking forward to trying this on my Galaxy S 🙂

  2. Rob Connolly Avatar
    Rob Connolly

    Awesome, please let me know how it goes.

  3. Epicanis Avatar

    I have been looking for a simple pod/oggcast downloader exactly like this (including the “open source” part) ever since the good-but-closed-source “dpod” application disappeared from the android market with its developer.

    Some of the upcoming features (pausable/resumable downloads, etc) will be nice, but even as of right now SwallowCatcher covers exactly the minimal feature set I need/want.

    I hereby declare you “moderately awesome” – thank you!

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