SwallowCatcher 0.2.0 Released

Download SwallowCatcher 0.2.0
Download SwallowCatcher 0.2.0

After what seems like ages I’m proud to release a new version of SwallowCatcher – version 0.2.0, codenamed “The Black Knight (Come On Ya Pansy!)”. The reason behind the version number jump is twofold: 1. Bigger numbers are better, 2. I think the new features in this version and improved stability warrant a new version. Notable new features in this release include support for more URL schemes, cover art support and the ability to browse show notes from directly within the app.

I’ve had several contributions to this release both in the form of  bug fixes and in code and artwork. In particular I’d like to thank Nick Clark (@nrlucre on identi.ca) for contributing a great icon and Luke (~nobugs on Gitorious) for contributing bug fixes and adding itpc:// and pcast:// URL scheme support. Also, thanks to everyone who’s given me feedback and sent me bug reports.
As always, please check out the project page and the gitorious page where you can download the source code. Feedback and bug reports can again be submitted via identi.ca, email or via the comments on this post.

5 responses to “SwallowCatcher 0.2.0 Released”

  1. Matěj Cepl Avatar
    Matěj Cepl


    I am sorry that I have written very unfavorable review of (among other Androidish things) SwallowCatcher, but only when rechecking hear I found that you just haven’t uploaded the new version of app on f-droid. Version 2.0 seems to be an improvement, so I am sorry that I wasn’t aware of it (and many other possible users as well).

  2. Yes, there *IS* SwallowCatcher 2.0 … but you won’t find it on F-Droid | Late Night Thoughts on Listening to Mahler’s Ninth Symphony

    […] against SwallowCatcher (among other things) I re-checked author’s blog to find out that actually he has already released version 2.0 without pushing it to f-droid (yet?). I have built it from his git repository (yay, gitorious!), […]

  3. Leif Avatar

    I’m having trouble with SwallowCatcher 0.2.0 (which I compiled myself).

    I load up this RSS feed:


    But there are several problems.

    1. The titles are messed up in the list. For example, instead of “Jules Hoffmann et un débat autour de l’actualité scientifique” it cuts off at the first single quote: “Jules Hoffmann et un débat autour de l’”

    2. When I press to get the description, the content type is wrong so everything is garbled.

    3. When I longpress, and click play streaming the app force closes

    4. When I longpress, and click download, the app claims to start the download but nothing ever gets downloaded. I don’t see anything particularly interesting in “adb logcat” either.

    Thanks for any help.

  4. Leif Avatar
  5. jimzat Avatar

    I am having difficulty importing an OPML file exported from PocketCasts, swallowCatcher simply fails with “Error parsing OPML file. Maybe the file is corrupted?”

    What is the expected format that SwallowCathcer expects?

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