The Long Awaited Kiwi Pycon Round-Up

OK, so this isn’t going to be as large a round up as I envisaged. Principally because its been so long since the actual event and also because only one talk video is currently available – I guess all that video editing is a big job! Also, I haven’t really had the time to investigate much of the stuff I learned about over that weekend as my current Python programming is limited to the odd script here and there (most of my programming is sadly limited to C++ and Java for reasons out of my control).

Anyway, it just so happens that the video that is up is from probably the best talk of the weekend, Anthony Baxter’s ‘Pythonic APIs’. This talk made me laugh from start to finish and taught me some things I didn’t know, watch the video below if you’re interested (brought to you by the magic of HTML5!).

As far as the other videos go, I’ve subscribed to the Kiwi Pycon RSS feed so I’ll be able to share them as they come along.

All that remains is to talk about my overall impressions of the conference, before they completely fade from memory! Basically I really enjoyed myself, everything was very well organised and the venue was excellent. There seemed to be some rumbling that Waitangi was a bit far away from everywhere and that the conference should have been in a city. For me the location was actually a bonus as it meant I had a good excuse to take the following day off and have a bit of a holiday!

So that’s about it, thanks to Danny, Guy, Tim and everyone else who organised. I had a great time and I even won a prize. I’m just sorry this post has taken me so long to get around to writing. Maybe I’ll be quicker off the mark next year!

One response to “The Long Awaited Kiwi Pycon Round-Up”

  1. Tweets that mention The Long Awaited Kiwi Pycon Round-Up – Blogging to Nowhere —

    […] This post was mentioned on Twitter by Tim Knapp. Tim Knapp said: RT @robconnolly: New blog post: The Long Awaited Kiwi Pycon Round-Up … […]

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