Home Assistant Automation in Depth: Making my mornings a little easier

I was recently asked by someone at work if I had succeeded in completely automating my house yet. My reply was something along the lines of: “Not yet, but I have got a few awesome automations running”. I then proceeded to give an explanation of my morning Home Assistant automation, which I’m going to document here.

Basically, when I get up in the morning and unplug my phone, the following Home Assistant automation is triggered:

  1. Turn on the lights in the kitchen
  2. Turn on the kettle (which has been set ready to go the night before)
  3. Wait five minutes (giving me time to stumble sleepily into the kitchen and it also happens to be roughly how long the kettle takes to boil)
  4. Turn on the TV
  5. Play a TTS based briefing, which includes the days weather forecast and current indoor temperature
  6. Play a two minute news summary from the BBC
  7. Five minutes after the news finishes, another automation kicks in, turning off the TV

Needless to say, my colleague was suitably impressed by this.

How does the house know I’m getting up?

I mentioned above that one of the first things I do when I get up is unplug my phone from its charger. This is key to triggering this Home Assistant automation. On my phone I have a Tasker profile running which will send a HTTP POST request to Home Assistant when the power state of the phone changes. This is used to update the status of a binary sensor in HASS, which reflects the charging state of my phone. Pretty simple.

Of course this wouldn’t work if I didn’t unplug my phone when getting up, or didn’t charge it overnight. Luckily I do, so this approach works well for me. I did initially play around with using a Baysian sensor to attempt to infer when I was in bed. However, that didn’t work very well for me due to lack of data. Most of the data points I had to use in the inference were things that I wanted to turn on from the automation, like the lights and kettle, which was unhelpful. Having extra sensors here, like motion sensors, would help.

The only downside of this approach (at least for me) is that Tasker is not Open Source and there is no viable FOSS replacement. I’m actively looking for replacements to Tasker for this. I’ll post an update if I ever find something that fits all my requirements.

Home Assistant Automation for My Mornings

The YAML code for this Home Assistant automation can be found in my HASS config, but I’ll go through it here. The first part is pretty standard:

  - alias: 'Getting Up'
      platform: state
      entity_id: !secret device1_charge_status
      from: 'on'
      to: 'off'
      condition: and
        - condition: state
          entity_id: group.presence
          state: home
        - condition: time
          after: "07:00:00"
          before: "10:00:00"

Here we see the trigger from the charging status of my phone. This is followed by a couple of conditions which restrict when the automation runs. If we’re not home for any reason it doesn’t make sense for the house to start turning things on and talking to itself, so that’s the first condition. The second is there just in case I need to charge my phone at other times of day. This only allows the automation to run between 7am and 10am. If my phone needs recharging (and is then unplugged again) before 10am then I’d probably be more worried about what is happening to my battery than the house starting talking.

The second part of the automation just turns things on and waits for me:

      - service: script.turn_on
        entity_id: script.downlights_bright
      - service: switch.turn_on
          entity_id: switch.kettle
      - delay:
          minutes: 5

The first script call there is a simple script to set the colour temperature of the kitchen downlight bulbs depending on the time of day, bluer during the day, redder in the evening. I use this script wherever these lights are turned on so that they are always at the right colour temperature. They also switch over in the evening, even if they are already on, thanks to my sunset automations.

Automating the Kettle

The next call there is simply turning on the kettle. This is connected to a dumb 433Mhz socket (controlled by OpenMQTTGateway). The reason for the dumb socket, rather than something smarter, there is that it’s the only one that I’ve found that is rated for the actual power draw of the kettle. It’s heating water from a 10A supply, so it actually pulls 10A. At 230V this is 2300W. Before anyone asks, I’m not taking account of the power factor here since I’d expect the kettle to be an almost purely resistive load. This socket is rated to 2400W and I’ve measured with a power monitor to make sure it stays below this. Most smart sockets on the market seem to only be rated up to 2200W for some reason.

Of course the kettle has to be set up with water in it and turned on at the base for this to work. The only approach to this is to program myself to do this before I go to bed. With this in mind I have another automation which turns off the kettle and sends me a notification to remind me to set it up.

The final call here is the delay. I played around for a while with the value and 5 minutes seems to be about right. Once I get some more sensors installed (door and/or motion sensors), I’ll tweak the rest of the automation to be triggered on the first time someone enters the kitchen.

Making the house talk

Now we get to something more interesting:

      - service: input_boolean.turn_on
        entity_id: input_boolean.tts_enabled
      - condition: state
        entity_id: media_player.tv
        state: idle
      - service: script.turn_on
        entity_id: script.tts_status_report
      - delay:
          seconds: 33
      - service: tts.picotts_say
        entity_id: media_player.tv
          message: "The latest news from the BBC follows:"
      - delay:
          seconds: 5
      - service: script.turn_on
        entity_id: script.play_news_summary

Most of this references my TTS package, which manages TTS announcements in my home. TTS here is provided by PicoTTS for its offline capability. I don’t want anyone listening in to my highly private weather forecast announcements. I’ve been told the voice is a little robotic, but I’d rather my computer sounds like a computer than a real person. Right now all my TTS announcements are sent to the Kodi instance running on the living room TV for playback.

The first thing to do here is to enable TTS notifications which are turned off overnight via an input boolean. All my TTS notifications go through a script which checks this is enabled before talking. This also handles turning on the TV ready to speak:

    alias: "Living room TTS announcement"
      - condition: state
        entity_id: input_boolean.tts_enabled
        state: 'on'
      - service: switch.turn_on
        entity_id: switch.living_room_tv
      - delay:
          seconds: 3
      - service: tts.picotts_say
        entity_id: media_player.tv
          message: "{{ message }}"

Before we get to the actual morning briefing there is one more check to do. This handles the case that I get a lie in and the rest of the family are up before me (rare!). In this case it’s likely that the TV is already playing something, so we can check if it is idle before continuing.

The Morning TTS Briefing

Now comes the TTS briefing, which is implemented by the following script:

    alias: Morning
    - service: script.tts_living_room
        message: >
          {% if now().strftime("%H")|int < 12 %}
          Good morning.
          {% elif now().strftime("%H")|int < 18 %}
          Good afternoon.
          {% else %}
          Good evening.
          {% endif %}
          It's currently {{states.sensor.dark_sky_summary.state}} and {{states.sensor.dark_sky_temperature.state|round}} degrees. The weather for the next 24 hours will be {{states.sensor.dark_sky_hourly_summary.state|replace(".", "")}}, with a high of {{states.sensor.dark_sky_daytime_high_temperature.state|round}} and a low of {{states.sensor.dark_sky_overnight_low_temperature.state|round}}.
          The current average indoor temperature is {{ states.sensor.average_indoor_temperature.state }} degrees.

This gives me a pretty good overview of the day. At some stage I’d like to add notification of upcoming calendar events from Nextcloud via CalDav, but I haven’t got around to it yet. The variable greetings based on time of day add some complexity to the templating. These aren’t necessary for this application, but they enable easy reuse of the script for other purposes. Perhaps a returning home announcement?

The next part of the automation is a bit of a hack. The problem appears to be that HASS will continue executing the automation without waiting for the TTS to finish. For now I wait a fixed delay after each part of the announcement before starting the next. Waiting for the media player to change state back to idle would be better, but I haven’t worked out how to do that yet. I haven’t got the timings quite right since the announcement time varies slightly (depending on the weather!). There is a little bit of delay between each part, but it’s acceptable.

The next part does a simple TTS announcement which introduces the news, bypassing the main TTS script because we just ran it. In this case everything is ready and we don’t want the extra delay that script introduces.

Playing the news

The BBC have a nice two minute news summary, which is available as an MP3 file. This will play fine directly from the web via Kodi and Home Assistant’s media_player.play_media service, if you can get the URL, which is something the BBC don’t make particularly easy. There is no podcast RSS feed for this as there are for many other BBC shows. They also seem to be going out of their way to deliberately obfuscate the URL. My script has broken once already in the <6 months I’ve had it running. Since it’s probably subject to change in the future I won’t embed my URL extraction script here, just follow the link to the latest version. Suffice to say Python+BeautifulSoup to the rescue!

This script is run via a command line sensor in HASS, which updates once per hour. Again, this is to make the resulting script more re-usable – it will always play the latest news:

  - platform: command_line
    name: BBC News Summary URL
    scan_interval: 3600
    command: "/home/homeassistant/.homeassistant/shell_commands/extract_news_link.py"

Then there is the corresponding HASS script, which sends the URL to the media player:

     alias: "Play a BBC News Summary"
       - service: switch.turn_on
         entity_id: switch.living_room_tv
       - service: media_player.play_media
         entity_id: media_player.tv
           media_content_id: "{{ states('sensor.bbc_news_summary_url') }}"
           media_content_type: "music"

And that’s pretty much it.


This setup has been working pretty well for the last few months, with a couple of minor hicups caused by external factors. The change to the BBC news obfuscation was one. The other was an issue with Node-RED on the Pi connected to the TV, which caused it not to be able to turn on automatically).

The only other issue I have with this is with regards to the TV volume. The TV remote control does not pass through button presses of the volume keys via HDMI CEC. Therefore, we use the TV volume as the master, with the other volume controls in Kodi/Alsa set to maximum. The problem with this is if it is left on a high volume the night before you’ll get a very loud TTS announcement in the morning! Since the volume level on the TV is not controllable from HASS I can’t adjust the volume to an acceptable level before playing the TTS. The solution to this is to use the Kodi volume control as the master volume, which is controllable from HASS. This requires a new remote for use with Kodi and I’m still looking into options here.

Further Improvements

Aside from the improvements listed above, I’d also like to expand the information given in the TTS briefing. I’ve already touched on adding calendar events. Adding UV exposure information would also be very useful, given the lethal NZ sun.

Hopefully, someone will find some of the approaches and information in this post useful. There are a lot of example configurations available for HASS now. However, it’s often hard to piece the parts together that make everything work for a specific Home Assistant automation without a detailed explanation. This is something I’d like to do more of for my own setup, so hopefully there will be some more posts covering other parts of my configuration in future. Until then, bye.

6 responses to “Home Assistant Automation in Depth: Making my mornings a little easier”

  1. Dan Avatar

    Thanks! Found this really interesting. I’d like to listen to PM on a daily basis once I’ve got my kids in bed. So obviously I would need to listen to a recording. I was thinking the amazing YouTube-DL script, but this has given me another direction to consider. Did you consider YouTube-DL? I’m trying to think of the use cases where one approach would be more logical than the other. All best.

  2. Patrik Avatar

    Can you post your tasker configuration?

  3. Brian Avatar

    I created a similar automation to start the coffee maker in the morning. I like your idea of using the phone being disconnected from the charger as the trigger.

    One thing I added to mine was I added an input boolean for “coffee maker ready”. When I prepared the coffee maker for the next morning, I’d turn it on in the HASS UI. My morning automation wouldn’t turn on the coffee maker if that boolean wasn’t on, and when the morning automation runs it turns the boolean off so that I need to turn it on again each day. Works well to ensure you’re not boiling an empty pot if you forget to set it up.

  4. adrian Avatar

    I think there’s a Tasker alternative called “Easer” at F-droid.org but I wouldn’t know if it has the HTTP POST feature because I haven’t used it myself. Have fun!

  5. Rob Connolly Avatar
    Rob Connolly

    Yeah, I tried it a while ago. It didn’t have a HTTP POST feature at the time, but I’ll have to give it another try.

  6. James Avatar


    Do you know how to play the BBC (UK) news summary which is always at this url:


    I’m not sure how to extract the audio file from it.

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