Monthly Update: February 2017

Hello again. It’s been a busy (and short) month so I don’t have much to update on. Most of my work this month has gone into refactoring my Home Assistant configuration into something which is publicly sharable. This has mostly involved splitting the configuration into more logical chunks than the few monolithic files I had previously and extracting secrets out into a file protected by git-crypt. I’ve also been updating and improving aspects of my config as I go, particularly the automations. I’m not quite ready to share this since I still have a couple of things to clean up and also need to actually deploy and test the new configuration. Hopefully this will be posted on gitlab during March, with an accompanying blog post here.

I’ve also been working on another Home Assistant related task, which was to get AppDaemon working. This was specifically so I could run Occusim, which provides occupancy simulation (turns things on and off when you’re not there) for Home Assistant. It didn’t take me long to get this up and running, but my first live test of Occusim it didn’t work, due to me not removing the test command properly. Now that I’ve fixed that issue, it works great.

I think that’s pretty much it for now. Hopefully there will be more to share next month.

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